photo and story by Camille Loustalet
Kiera Gallup has been practicing Bikram yoga off and on since September 2012, and now instructs Bikram yoga at the Juice Box Studio in northwest Reno.
Bikram Yoga is referred to as a Yang style yoga, because throughout 90 minutes one stays in the room, participants remain active- actively engaging each and every muscle to benefit their mind and body. In 105 degree heat, the practice is intense, detoxifying-yet entirely relaxing.
A Childlike Energy
While the Juice Box Studio employs several, unique teachers, Kiera is loved by her students because of her enthusiasm and childlike energy.
Childlike, because of her smiling, joking manner she talks students through each posture- making silly jokes here and there. It reminds students in the midst of the intense, very hot, challenging practice to smile, to enjoy the time they have in the room not only to heal and improve their bodies, but their minds as well.
Mind and Body
Kiera teaches her students every class that the effort they put in will only benefit them overall. Sometimes she shares stories or ideas with her classes to expand the students minds as they extend themselves to the furthest limits their bodies can handle.
A delicately beautiful practice, yoga teaches that intensity, power, ferocity can exist in the most serene exterior. Yoga does indeed transcend through one's body into their mind and spirit- bringing with it understanding of not only one's body, but of oneself.