Many people have asked me why I support Lily Baran for Reno City Council, Ward 1, and that is an easy question to answer.
I first met Lily in 2022, during my own Reno City Council campaign for Ward 4. She was my sounding board on essential issues affecting all of us city-wide, especially homelessness and housing, providing excellent education and public-health-backed perspectives on these important topics.
Lily Baran is known for her regular attendance at Reno City Council Meetings and other community events. She has served on The City of Reno Charter Committee, Arts and Culture Commission, and Special Events Committee. Her relationships with these organizations, as well as the Reno Initiative for Shelter and Equality, showcase her dedication to creating positive change. Her active and long-standing engagement in Reno demonstrates her genuine interest in addressing the needs of our city.
In addition to her involvement at City Council, Lily runs a community pantry and a harm reduction center from her own home, catering to those in our community who are some of the most in need. Furthermore, her weekly efforts to feed the hungry at the BELIEVE sign reflect her compassion and commitment to improving our public health and safety.
Beyond her local initiatives, Lily has been actively involved in legislative matters, contributing to tangible progress in Reno. She lobbied for SB155 which stopped the cycle of arresting and jailing our fellow citizens for homelessness-based offenses, instead referring those persons for services, and in turn, saving the city money and lifting up those who had previously been criminalized.
Lily's ability to think on her feet and take action sets her apart. Her expertise and leadership are valued and trusted by those she works with. Her proficiency in decision-making has been recognized by community members and city staff, particularly in matters related to housing and homelessness.
Lily has a remarkable ability to bring people together, transcending political differences to work towards sensible policies. Her inclusive and cooperative attitude is evident in her efforts to unite individuals from various backgrounds for the betterment of Ward 1 and all of Reno.
When the seat for City Council, Ward 1, became vacant I was moved by the hours of public comment in support of Lily’s appointment. This overwhelming call-to-run speaks volumes about her dedication and the trust the people of Reno have in her ability to fulfill her elected responsibilities and deliver achievable solutions to our most pressing problems.
Lily Baran is a dedicated individual with a strong presence in Reno. Her track record speaks for itself, with years of community service, legislative contributions, and commitment to the people. Her deep understanding of local issues and proactive approach would make her the most inspiring and effective representative of Ward 1 and the City of Reno.
Citizen’s Forum contribution by Reno Ward 4 council member Meghan Ebert