To me, there is no better gender.
I do not believe one sex is superior to the other.
I’ve never once thought someone is better, or beneath me, due their finances or mine.
Due their car or mine
Due their education or mine.
Due their gender or mine.
It is NOT about male versus female. Trans versus non Trans. Queer versus straight. Color versus color. Republican versus Democrat.
It’s about WHO you are.
WHO are YOU?
What do you stand for.
Do you help people or do you not?
Do you feed the hungry or do you not?
Do you help animals or do you not?
Do you advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves or do you not?
There are heroes, and there are fools in this world.
All genders. All races.
One is not exclusive of the other.
No one should be oppressed.
No one should have their voice silenced or their rights stripped away.
All people should have access to clean air, clean water, food, and shelter.
Those people who oppress others, who systematically harm people, harm the planet…
Those people who wage war, kill people, starve people, bomb the oceans, bomb the land, incite fear, incite hatred need to be held accountable.
How do we hold them accountable?
By speaking up.
By saying, “THIS is not okay and we will not tolerate it.”
Complacency is dangerous.
I never thought I would see the day, my rights as an American citizen, would be legally taken from me… I am a female.
I will always resist a ruling class, a caste system, a holocaust.
Stop enabling others to have a sense of entitlement.
The only reason celebrites are celebrities is because of us. We exalt them, emulate them, and worship them.
The only reason multi-millionare/billionaire tech bros, politicians… have the money and power they do…is because of us.
We grant these people power, and influence through our complacency, and idol-worship.
They are not better, wiser, nor smarter than you or me.
To the contrary.
Take back your power.
Power to the hungry and starving. The displaced. The persecuted.
Power to the enslaved people.
Power to the women forced to shroud their very being…their essence and light…their autonomy, and self…under a blanket.
How dare anyone extinguish another person’s soul.
Citizen’s Forum, photos and art by Cat Stahl