While the City of Reno is facing a $24 million budget shortfall, due to flat sales tax revenues and rising labor costs, some open positions aren’t being filled, and staff cuts may have to take place in the future.
For now, department heads are being told to lower expenses by 5% while $16.4 million of one-time funds will be used to bridge most of the gap.
The next budget workshop has been scheduled for May 5th, with a Council meeting set for May 21st to officially hear and adopt the budget for the next fiscal year starting July 1st.
Sparks, Washoe County and the school district are all currently facing budgetary challenges.
To drum up its own coffers, the city of Reno is also planning on selling or leasing two dozen vacant and soon to be vacant properties it owns to generate an estimated $13 million over the next three years.
Some of the sales are already in progress, while some of these properties will be transferred to and bought by the Reno Redevelopment Agency, causing concern among some residents of the renewed power this recently resuscitated body will have after a checkered history of previous failures.
Our Town Reno reporting, March 2025