Agenda item B8 on tomorrow’s city of Reno agenda is an “Approval of the Agreement for Economic Development and Purchase/Sale of Real Property between the City of Reno and Ulysses Development Group, LLC, regarding the sale and development of properties located at 315 and 355 Record Street,” the former so-called Community Assistance Center.
It also indicates that the “Portion of Record Street to be abandoned [No Parcel Number], totaling approximately 2.4± acres, with terms allowing City-funded demolition of the facility to be reimbursed by Ulysses Development at escrow close, with future Council review of the final demolition contract.”
Previously, the developers had been required to apply for a demolition permit to take down the two buildings themselves, within a certain timeline, but the City now apparently wants to speed up that process and do the leveling itself, even though there is no absolute guarantee at this point construction of the housing project will even go forward.
The staff report says the cost to demolish the property will be “covered by the general fund, utilizing proceeds from other property sales.”
Meanwhile, the staff report from another agenda item (B.16) notes Ulysses Develoment Group “is seeking an amount not to exceed $26.2 million in tax-exempt bonds to finance” the housing development.
City of Reno staff says UGC, which was selected through an RFP process, intends to develop 136 units of affordable housing on the site for low-income individuals and families, right next to the Reno Sparks Gospel Mission and a quickly gentrifying section of 4th street, branded as the brewery district.
Advocates for the unhoused have long wanted the CAC to be kept under city control as a warming and cooling center with additional services for those struggling in our community. Since the Cares Campus was opened in 2021, and homeless services were transferred to the county, the majority of our City Council has repeatedly indicated it wants to let go of its former homeless shelter compound, which has been left vacant for several years now, and prone to vandalism.
Its two sections were built in 2005 and 2007 for $20 million with materials estimated to be able to last between 50 to 100 years.